Evaluating Healthcare Providers’ Practices of Screening for Bullying in Pediatric Patients



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Bullying is a common occurrence in the United States that is experienced by the adolescent population. Bullying and suicidal behaviors are closely linked, and healthcare providers have a responsibility to be involved in the screening and management of bullying and suicidal behavior (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). Screening for bullying starting at six years of age is a recommendation by the American Academy of Pediatrics. The purpose of this research paper was to improve healthcare providers’ screening of bullying and to improve the healthcare provider’s ability to identify adolescents who are being bullied. The outcome of this project was to evaluate healthcare providers practices and perceptions on screening for bullying. In addition, the project was designed to determine if frequent screenings for bullying compared to annual screenings for bullying would assist providers in identifying adolescents who are being bullied or identifying bullies. The most significant finding of the study was that 100% of participants in the study agreed that bullying was an issue the adolescent populations faced. While the study had limitation with the sample size, the results indicate a need for further research on screening for bullying in the adolescent population. The findings of the study should be used to determine further research on how best practice guidelines for healthcare providers can lead to frequent screening for bullying in the adolescent population and to provide educational materials to assist providers in screening at-risk adolescents.



bullying, the adolescent population, screening recommendations
